
It all starts with matter...

Because we all deserve to feel just as good under a plaid as in our bathing suits at the playa ! And it is for this reason that selecting THE material is decisive for a mega #ComfyBody .

Tightly knit fabrics that hold together and fit well. Stretch in all directions to be able to live the 400 blows . A technique that reassures, an enveloping and very soft contact with the skin.

The material must be of Superior Quality so that the product can last a long time. No loose, faded, pilled fabric #onenveutpas!

Then comes the fitting... prototype, try, adjust, start over!

The challenge of launching just 1 product is that it be (really) successful (+++)!

And inevitably, the perfect body did not come out in 1 One-shot. In close collaboration with the design office of the Portuguese workshop , we validated the pattern, then the fabric, then a first prototype, then [2/3], then THE body was born . It was then checked on a maximum of morphologies , to validate the concept of #OneModelFitsAll .

At Mahana Way we see life in color and we love daring prints ! It's not easy to validate a pattern, and you can't test everything, otherwise hello mess... so I used Lectra's 3D Modaris to check my renderings before launching the prototypes. MORE ideas and fewer products thrown away #ViveLaFashionTechnology .

Start Production!

The rule is simple: only produce what you are able to sell (I admit, on paper it seems obvious.. we'll talk about it later when I come to the subject of "sales")!

My solution: Make small series, as close geographically as possible, to launch restocking as soon as necessary.

Challenge the factory on fabric consumption and limit material losses as much as possible :

  • Ask for a digitized & optimized placement , cut with a latest generation cutter so that the pattern pieces are #glued-tight !
  • Buy ALL the pieces that can be produced (Ok I explain: I don't order "100 pieces Ma'am", I order all the products that can be produced in 60 meters of fabric, and believe me that changes everything !).

Let's talk about the price

Coming out at a price that competes with the big brands whose "MADE IN" is often "FAR FAR AWAY" (look at your labels) that produce x10O*O0 items , it's not easy!

How is it possible ?

  • with a much smaller margin !
  • by selling mainly via digital (my industrial cost price is higher than the B2B purchase price of specialized stores.. in other words, in a traditional shop, the price of a bodysuit would be sold for much more than 95€. ..).
  • By boycotting sales ! (No, but you find it normal to find products at -70% when in France it is forbidden to sell at a loss?! That says a lot about the initial cost of AOUCH products). In other words, the sales are THE proof (recurring, in addition) that brands produce too much... for nothing! #KissThePlanet

Are you a shop? #ImYourGirl ! contact us and take up the challenge (I also work via a system of deposit/loan of the goods).

Slow Collection

An unpredictable pace and #MegaRebelle .. or more simply when stocks are low and new prints are emerging.

Real girls from real life!

No, no photo shoot on the other side of the globe with a horde of international models... I prefer YOU , as you are, through your vacation photos, YOU who have been supporting me for the first few months and whose I share the Adventures. I had so much support from strangers, that I realized how important it was for me to be right.

So for all this, I say a big thank you to all of you. #CoeurToutMou

Follow, Follow Back!

Mahana Way is a creative brand , not #LaReineD'Angleterre (RIP)! It's no coincidence that @Mahana_Way follows you back on the networks ( it's up to you to accept or not ). In any case, I haven't decided to play the one with the fewest subscriptions, and so much the worse for the ALGOs!